Our body doesn't just suffer physically but also mentally as well when it gets older. Our metabolism gets slower and out joints as well as our skin encounter issues, the skin loses collagen and elastin, the joints also lose collagen, bones become thicker, but what about our brain? Our brain also suffers because of aging or because of brain cells oxidation, because of stress, depression and many other such negative or otherwise harmful factors which can not only cause health problems but also cause a decrease in performance, whether it is physical or mental performance we're speaking of.
Aging can cause the deaths of more of our neurons in the brain, it can also cause the slowing of the production of neurotransmitters, and because the body also suffers from aging and our metabolism becomes slower and we gain unhealthy weight and so on, we are less prone to workout or to be active, and this influences what we call sedentary, which is the complete and utter lack of physical activity, or very little physical activity. You might think that not being active won't do anything harmful to you or at least to your brain, but let me tell you that you are wrong. New scientific research has proven otherwise, and physical activity as well as brain stimulation, nutrition and so on, are essential for a good working as well as healthy brain.
One of the harmful side-effects of an inactive or otherwise sedentary lifestyle is the decrease in metabolism as well as the slowing down of the blood circulation in the body.
Your brain thus receives less blood, less oxygen and possibly less energy to use in daily activities which can result in feelings of laziness and fatigue, a lack of motivation and obviously, a sometimes significant decrease in overall performance. While most people don't worry about depression and stress because in most cases it doesn't last long and it can pass if you get some rest and eat some healthy food, get some exercise and so on, there is always that possibility of it developing into something worse. Just like a lot of people don't worry about being overweight and inactive until it gets worse and you feel joint pain, you develop high cholesterol, perhaps a heart problem, diabetes and so on.
I keep seeing people online asking about ways to get a better brain performance, ways to lose weight faster, ways to get "ripped" and so on. Despite having the answers right in front of their eyes, people will always, it seems to me, ignore them if these answers are complicated and hard to do and try to search for an easier way, even if it is not always the best or healthiest way, to fix their problems.
There is no medicine or magical scientific invention out there that can bring you better health for your body and your mind as well as, of course, better performance, than a healthy lifestyle.
With that in mind, for those of you that are searching for a way to improve your cognitive functions and work better mentally, my advice is to exercise, both mentally and physically, get good rest and eat better. If you want a jumpstart, you can check out the official website of CogniQ, which is a natural nootropic or brain enhancement supplement that can improve memory, reduce brain oxidation and so on.