Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weight Loss with probiotic, the new dietary supplement!

Trying to live good and to be healthy is definitely hard, no doubt about it, but if you've ever tried it, you must know that it is also quite rewarding. Living healthy keeps you younger, keeps your physical condition good, your body fit and also keeps away a lot of health issues, diseases and so on.

However, like I said, it is hard to maintain a healthy life and balance in your life, and the best proof of that is the thousands or hundreds of thousands actually, of sick and obese, overweight people suffering from all kinds of problems with their health. It is hard to workout or engage in physical activity, regularly, and it is hard, apparently, to eat healthy, to resist your cravings and so on, but you also have to deal with the consequences.

Well, one of the consequences of an unhealthy diet or of unhealthy eating habits is problems with digestion, such as diarrhea or constipation, getting bloated and so on. We've all been through these problems, probably, at least I know I have, and it's nothing fun about them, I try my best to avoid them but sometimes I just eat something wrong, it upsets my stomach and then I start feeling sick. What can we do to fix such problems? Well, it's a good thing you asked because you can try Nucific Bio X4.

Nucific Bio X4 is a natural probiotic as well as weight loss dietary supplement, which means it helps you lose weight while also fixing your digestion problems and, there's more, it can also help with your mood and sleep, perhaps also appetite. Let's start with weight loss. Bio X4 Nucific contains green tea extract which is what the supplement mainly uses for combating the extra levels of fat in your body. Green tea also contains 4% caffeine, so you might also experience some caffeine effects such as better mental alertness, more energy and so on, but I'm pretty sure you won't get any jittery feelings because of the very low concentration really.

Nucific Bio X4 also contains 39 billion colony-forming units of bacteria, such as the L.acidophilusm which is a positive or friendly bacteria that is used for skin disorders, lactose intolerance, high cholesterol and so on. L.acidophilus as well, as many other of Nucific Bio X4's bacteria ingredients all have antioxidant properties which can boost your immune system and protect it from nasty or harmful bacteria or toxins in the body and the intestines, of course, since that is where most of the bacteria in your body are located.

The main role of these bacteria is to break down food, first and foremost, making the absorption of food nutrients, much easier. The second is to protect against and fight off harmful bacteria.

For more information on Nucific Bio X4, please visit its official website and you can order it online and receive a money-back guarantee of ninety days.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Geniux Brain Enhancer Supplement with Natural Ingredients

Geniux is a natural, safe, brain enhancement or nootropic supplement which contains natural ingredients that aim to increase the performance and efficiency of your brain in mental activities such as decision making, studying and so on.

You should give Geniux a try if you are having trouble with problems of mental performance such as being unable to focus or concentrate, a lack of creativity, short or long-term memory loss and so on. Geniux works through supplementing or supplying your brain with natural ingredients such as plant extracts and vitamins as well as other chemical substances which are used, by your brain, in cognition and thought processes as well as other stuff.

Let's take a peek at a few of Geniux's ingredients because, what better way to see how a product works than looking at its ingredients. Apparently, one of Geniux's ingredients is none other than piracetam. I was happy to see this finally being used because I never have seen it in other brain enhancement supplements, to be honest. Of course I could've overlooked it, but anyway, for those of you that don't know, piracetam is actually the first nootropic chemical substance ever discovered. A Romanian psychologist as well as chemist, named Corneliu E. Giurgea, was the man that discovered it and also the man that gave it the term "nootropic" and that coined the term as well and made it popular, and I am surprised because this is the first time I've actually seen it being used in nootropic supplements, mixed in with other ingredients.

Piracetam can apparently increase the brain's resistance and protect it against different neurotoxins or perhaps free radicals that would try to harm it and to decrease its performance and it can influence an increase in efficiency of learning and memorizing things, or it improves memory.

Geniux also contains Vinpocetine and Bacopa Monnieri which if you've ever used nootropic supplements or read about them and about ingredients used in such products, plant extracts like these two I've just mentioned are very popular. These plants have certain benefits like providing better blood circulation and improving the way the brain uses glucose for more energy and so on. All of the ingredients in Geniux are definitely natural and the supplement is definitely safe, as long as you are a healthy person and as long as you follow the recommended daily dosage. Overuse can sometimes cause harmful side-effects in certain people, which is why it is not recommended.

Some people also suffer from allergies to some of Geniux's ingredients so if you are one of those people or think you are but are not sure, please visit or consult a medic first, before using Geniux.
If you are curious about Geniux and would perhaps like to read or find more information about it and about its ingredients, how it works and if you would like to purchase it, please visit its official website and order it online from there!
Read more:

Monday, August 10, 2015

Restore Cognitive Performances with Cogniq

Our body doesn't just suffer physically but also mentally as well when it gets older. Our metabolism gets slower and out joints as well as our skin encounter issues, the skin loses collagen and elastin, the joints also lose collagen, bones become thicker, but what about our brain? Our brain also suffers because of aging or because of brain cells oxidation, because of stress, depression and many other such negative or otherwise harmful factors which can not only cause health problems but also cause a decrease in performance, whether it is physical or mental performance we're speaking of.

Aging can cause the deaths of more of our neurons in the brain, it can also cause the slowing of the production of neurotransmitters, and because the body also suffers from aging and our metabolism becomes slower and we gain unhealthy weight and so on, we are less prone to workout or to be active, and this influences what we call sedentary, which is the complete and utter lack of physical activity, or very little physical activity. You might think that not being active won't do anything harmful to you or at least to your brain, but let me tell you that you are wrong. New scientific research has proven otherwise, and physical activity as well as brain stimulation, nutrition and so on, are essential for a good working as well as healthy brain.

One of the harmful side-effects of an inactive or otherwise sedentary lifestyle is the decrease in metabolism as well as the slowing down of the blood circulation in the body.

Your brain thus receives less blood, less oxygen and possibly less energy to use in daily activities which can result in feelings of laziness and fatigue, a lack of motivation and obviously, a sometimes significant decrease in overall performance. While most people don't worry about depression and stress because in most cases it doesn't last long and it can pass if you get some rest and eat some healthy food, get some exercise and so on, there is always that possibility of it developing into something worse. Just like a lot of people don't worry about being overweight and inactive until it gets worse and you feel joint pain, you develop high cholesterol, perhaps a heart problem, diabetes and so on.

I keep seeing people online asking about ways to get a better brain performance, ways to lose weight faster, ways to get "ripped" and so on. Despite having the answers right in front of their eyes, people will always, it seems to me, ignore them if these answers are complicated and hard to do and try to search for an easier way, even if it is not always the best or healthiest way, to fix their problems.

There is no medicine or magical scientific invention out there that can bring you better health for your body and your mind as well as, of course, better performance, than a healthy lifestyle.
With that in mind, for those of you that are searching for a way to improve your cognitive functions and work better mentally, my advice is to exercise, both mentally and physically, get good rest and eat better. If you want a jumpstart, you can check out the official website of CogniQ, which is a natural nootropic or brain enhancement supplement that can improve memory, reduce brain oxidation and so on.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Brain Ammo - Pretty Popular Supplement in Review

So we're talked about Cognimaxx XL, about Addium, Brainfire and so many other nootropic supplements. There are so many of them coming out, they must be pretty popular. Today, we will talk about yet another one, this time it is called Brain Ammo.

Quite a cool name, isn't it? But let's see if it's also a cool nootropic supplement and if it really works and so on. As usual, I will start with its ingredients and talk a little about some of them. One of the best ways to see if a supplement works or has potential, without you actually using it yourself, is to look at its ingredients and try to find more information about them or even evidence or scientific research or clinical research and so on.

So, let's get started, shall we?

Brain Ammo contains only natural ingredients, which is good to know as natural supplements are much safer than non-natural, artificial supplements. It is a quality supplement which claims to enhance your focus, improve your memory and so on. Basic things for a nootropic supplement, i mean, that is what a brain enhancement should be able to do.

Among its ingredients you may find herbal or plant extracts such as vinpocetine or Bacopa Monnieri as well as chemicals naturally found in the brain or naturally produced by the brain but also found in certain foods, such as Phosphatidylserine, L-glutamine, Dimethylaminoethanol and so on. You may have heard about some of them. SInce nootropic supplements are designed to enhance the brain, of course they would contain chemicals found in the brain and that the brain uses to function properly or to be healthy.

Some of these ingredients are used in the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, which are chemicals used by your neurons in order to communicate among themselves and to also communicate with other cells in the body and so on and to send signals all over your body. Neurotransmitters also deal with information and information processing and stacking, with memory, focus, and with emotions or moods as well. I'm sure you've heard of dopamine? Maybe serotonin? When you are sad or depressed, you may have low levels of these neurotransmitters, which is what causes you to have a bad mood and also, bad performance mentally. But why would you have low levels of these neurotransmitters? Well, there are multiple factors involved. It can be because of old age, when chemical productions in the body slow down significantly, or because of stress, or because of poor nutrition.

Since many of these chemicals are taken from food or the chemicals needed to produce neurotransmitter or protein and so on, are taken from food, and not all foods have these chemicals, or in decent quantities, sometimes you can suffer from a nutrient deficiency or from poor nutrition because of a poor or unhealthy diet.

Brain Ammo works to supplement your brain with its natural ingredients in order to assure its performance and health. You can find more information about Brain Ammo on our official website:

How to increase workout performances with top testosterone booster

There are multiple factors that can cause a performance decrease in your workouts or even in your daily activities or at your workplace, and in this article, I will talk about some of them and how you can increase your performance, specifically in workouts, though, and how you can also be healthier. Now, there are a lot of things that can decrease your performance, you can be stressed, depressed, you can feel sick, you can suffer from a nutrient deficiency, in some cases you might need to consult a medic and make sure it's not something serious, but most of the time, the causes for health problems that most people encounter in their lives come from unhealthy living. I mean, it is much easier and also cheaper to eat unhealthy foods because healthy food is actually more expensive, not by a lot, but it is.

Also, you need time to cook it and to wait for it to be cooked, and to eat healthy means to follow a certain routine and many people find it difficult to eat at certain hours and to eat certain things and so on. Furthermore, for a healthy lifestyle you definitely need to workout or be more active physically, but mentally as well. Your body is made in such a way that, in order to maintain good health, you need regular movement. There is even such a thing called the "sitting disease", which studies have shown that it can cause all kinds of problems or at least plays a part in the development of multiple health problems and increases the risk of encountering such problems.

However, even when you are active, if you aren't resting enough and if you aren't eating well enough, you can still suffer from multiple factors that can harm your overall health and that can significantly decrease your physical as well as mental performance. Don't get the wrong idea, sitting is good for you because you need to rest sometimes, but the thing behind the "sitting disease" is that some people spend too much time sitting and being inactive, a big part of their lives. When you are sitting, your blood circulation becomes slower, which means blood travels slower and nutrients reach their destination a bit late, your brain receives less blood, less oxygen, it causes unhealthy weight gain, back pain and it can influence colon cancer, diabetes and much more.

A healthy lifestyle does not revolve around one single thing, it revolves around multiple things, around routine. Being active, resting, and eating well are the main things. Also, you can be a very healthy person physically but if you're depressed, for example, your performance will drop significantly. And depression can be influenced by being unhealthy, stressed, bored, inactive and more.

This is true, most people don't realize this but we are harming ourselves, perhaps without realizing it. Through our lifestyle habits and the things that we take within our bodies, etc. So, if you really want to be healthier and happier and so on, you should start with making changes in your life. Also, something that can help with energy and performance and so on, especially if you are thinking about becoming more active and perhaps going to the gym and workout, is a natural supplement, such as Spartagen XT.

Spartagen XT is a natural testosterone booster that will provide you with more energy, a better mood as well as more sexual drive, and more! Feel free to visit our original review to find more about or to purchase Spartagen XT:

Addium Latest Nootropic Supplement in Review

"L'Homme ne va pas passivement attendre des millions d'années pour que l'évolution lui offre un meilleur cerveau"

As Corneliu E. Giurgea once said, and I do believe that he was right. Translated, that means "Man will not passively wait for several millions of years for evolution to offer him a better brain". In this article, I will be talking about nootropics, which in much simpler terms, are cognitive pills or supplements that are designed to enhance the cognitive functions of the brain as to improve or enhance your mental/cognitive performance, precision and so on.

The reason for why I mentioned the quote, in the beginning, is because it belongs to the man that actually defined the concept of nootropic for the first time, in 1972 if I am not mistaken. He was a Romanian neurophysicist and he actually synthesized the first nootropic ever, which was called the piracetam.

But back then nootropics weren't nearly as used or popular as they are today. Today, thousands of people use them and you can find a lot of different products and brands and reviews and so on, and they are just a click away from you.

A nootropic supplement, such as Addium, which some of you may have heard about, because it is pretty popular currently, works to enhance your cognitive skills, such as memory, learning, creativity, they can reduce stress, depression. They not only try to help you use your brain and get better results while doing so but they also try to repair your brain.

Damaged neurons and brain cells that decrease its performance as well as negative emotions and bad moods which can make you less productive, they can fix some of these problems and basically they promote a better and healthier brain, with no harmful side-effects. You can call coffee or caffeine a natural nootropic since it does promote certain nootropic or effects and it does give you better focus and it helps you to work better and so on.

Nootropics, like Addium for example, don't work like you see in movies like the more recent "Limitless", where the main character takes a pill and suddenly he becomes a master at a certain fighting style or an expert at survival and so on.

What they can do is, as I have mentioned earlier, make your brain healthier, and they don't just heal your brain and  protect it from neurotoxins and other factors that may try to damage it or to decrease its performance but they also promote the distribution of more nutrients to the brain, which are delivered through the blood streams. Many nootropics, Addium included, can improve the blood circulation and send more vitamins, oxygen, energy to the brain in order to enhance its performance and as well as its health.

Addium contains natural ingredients, you may find multiple vitamins and antioxidants as well as some plant or herbal extracts within. The full list of ingredients is listed on the bottle and also on the official Addium website! So for more information on this supplement nootropic, feel free to visit the official review we have created for Addium: